Lavender is a popular garden choice because of its distinct scent and purple flowers. At Emerald Gardens Nursery, you can find lavender plants that are great for hedging or can be grown in containers. Lavender is a versatile plant that can be used in many different ways in the garden. It is perfect for creating a low hedge that will add both scent and colour to your garden. You can also grow lavender in containers, which is a great way to enjoy the fragrance of lavender without worrying about it spreading through your garden.
Lavender Avonview
Whether you are looking for a plant to add fragrance or colour to your garden, lavender is a great choice. Emerald Gardens has the perfect lavender plant for you. So come on down and check out our selection of lavender plants today!
All our plants are seasonal and subject to availability. If you are looking for a specific lavender, please call us on 03 5968 5745 to ensure we have it.
Pick up only from Emerald, VIC.
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Contact Information
Phone: (03) 5968 5745
Mobile: 0438 684 408
Address: 77 Emerald-Monbulk Rd
Emerald, VIC, 3782
Business Hours
Public holidays: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day