Emerald Garden Nursery is the perfect place for all your groundcover needs. We have a wide selection of beautiful flowering groundcovers that are perfect for adding colour and life to any garden. Our plants also provide greenery and groundcover around large plants and trees. Many of our groundcovers do well in shaded areas to add sprays of colour to every corner of your garden. Come and visit us today; we would be more than happy to help you find the perfect plants for your garden.
Arenaria Montana
Banksia Birthday Candles
Brachyscome ‘Break Of Day’ or ‘Rock Daisy’
Convolvulus Sabattus
Myoporum parvifolium
Saxifraga pink, red or white form
Trachelospermum ‘Chinese Star Jasmine’
Sagina subulata aurea 'Gold Pearlwort'
Lithodora 'Grace Ward'
Lysimachia 'Midnight Sun'
Bacopa 'Megacopa Blue'
Bacopa 'Megacopa White'
Bacopa 'Megacopa Pink'
Scaevola 'Fairy Blue'
Scaevola 'Fairy Pink'
All our plants are seasonal and subject to availability. If you are after specific groundcovers, please call us on 03 5968 5745 to ensure we have it.
Pick up only in Emerald, VIC.
Quick Links
Contact Information
Phone: (03) 5968 5745
Mobile: 0438 684 408
Address: 77 Emerald-Monbulk Rd
Emerald, VIC, 3782
Business Hours
Public holidays: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day